One gift, a lifetime investment

Meet your personal financial goals while making a difference for our future.

Gift Planning

Heritage Society/Estate Intention Form

Thank you for your generosity to future generations of DeSales University students. This form is provided to help you convey your charitable intent to DeSales University so we can thank you, welcome you to the Heritage Society, and make sure your intentions are carried out properly.


  • Optional: or shall be bequeathed to DSU through my estate.


My gift will be designated as:


DeSales University - Chappuis Hall 2755 Station Ave., Center Valley, PA 18034
Questions? Call 610-282-1100 ext.1308, or email [email protected]

Thank You

Thank you for your interest in supporting DeSales University.

One of our gift planning representatives will contact you to discuss your charitable plans.

We'd like to also thank you for signing up for our free enewsletter. We have added your name to our subscriber list.
